


Many people within skilled nursing facility report feeling “down” or having the “winter blues” during the winter months when the days get shorter and they feel better in the spring and summer when longer daylight hours return. While it may be  just a passing thought for some, it is a real condition that can disrupt daily life for others. The condition is called seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and it is a form of depression that causes symptoms such as lack of energy and feelings of sadness or melancholy.

It tends to be triggered by the onset of the fall and winter months. Experts theorize that the change of seasons disrupts a person’s daily rhythms called circadian rhythms. Others believe that changes in the production of hormones like serotonin and melatonin play a role. Either way, we know that seasonal affective disorder can impact residents at our Northern Colorado skilled nursing community. 

The Eden Alternative Can Reduce SAD

Fortunately, our skilled nursing community is guided by the Eden Alternative philosophy and approach to elder care which can play a significant role in helping older adults combat the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is often exacerbated by feelings of isolation and limited engagement, particularly during the colder months. The Eden Alternative focuses on creating vibrant and socially engaging environments. By promoting a sense of community and encouraging meaningful connections, older adults can find companionship and emotional support, countering the loneliness that often accompanies SAD.

Additionally, incorporating nature into daily activities, a key aspect of the Eden Alternative, aligns with strategies for mitigating SAD symptoms. Exposure to natural light, outdoor spaces, and the nurturing of plants can positively impact mood and well-being, providing a holistic approach to addressing the challenges posed by Seasonal Affective Disorder in older adults.

How to Manage SAD

It is important to keep in mind that SAD is a form of depression. As such, we encourage residents to discuss their symptoms with their health care provider. Below are some steps older adults can take, in consultation with their physician, to combat SAD:

  • Stick to a schedule. SAD can make it difficult to sleep and therefore harder to get out of bed in the morning. However, it is best if you continue to go to bed and get up at the same time even as the seasons change.
  • Use light therapy. Light therapy boxes produce light that is similar to sunshine and may help keep your circadian rhythms on track. Light therapy may be most effective when used first thing in the morning.
  • Try a dawn simulator. These devices produce light that gradually increases in intensity to mimic the rising of the sun. They may make it easier for you to get up in the morning.
  • Get or stay active. Regular exercise can help protect against SAD.  
  • Take a vitamin D supplement. Your doctor can perform tests to determine if your level of vitamin D is low. If it is, it can be helpful to take a vitamin D supplement.
  • Try aromatherapy. Some researchers believe that the areas of the brain that control mood can be influenced by essential oils.
  • Spend time outside. While the light provided by a light box or dawn simulator is helpful, nothing beats getting a healthy dose of natural sunlight each day.
  • Consider antidepressant medication. For more serious cases of SAD that don’t respond to other therapies, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant. If that is the case, be sure to take it as directed and do not stop taking it without consulting your physician.

Be Proactive in Dealing with SAD

We encourage residents to be proactive about all aspects of their physical, mental and emotional health. This includes SAD. Too often people think the only option for dealing with seasonal depression is to “grin and bear it,” but there are many treatment options that can make the fall and winter months much more enjoyable.

Elderly man laughing

Are you assisting an elder in finding skilled nursing? If so, there are certain things you should be sure to look for or ask about on a tour. The presence or absence of these six key features can help you make good decisions that will provide care and support for your loved one.

6 Important Attributes of a High-Quality Elder Care Provider

In the course of doing research online, visiting a skilled nursing community in person and talking with staff members, here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

    • Community maintenance and cleanliness. How clean a skilled nursing environment is can vary based on when you tour. For example, if you arrive immediately after a scheduled cleaning, it will likely look very clean. If you take a tour just prior to the next scheduled cleaning, things may not look quite so tidy. This slight variance is to be expected, much like in our own homes. But, every resident deserves to live in a community that is generally well-maintained and clean.
    • Staff compassion. If you see examples of staff members interacting with residents in a warm, friendly and patient manner, that is a good sign. On the other hand, if the staff seem rude or insensitive, that should raise concerns. Everyone gets busy, but notice if the residents’ needs are the main priority or if staff seem to have other duties that pull them away. If they are not compassionate and attentive when visitors are on site, imagine how they could behave when nobody is around.
    • Staff experience. When taking a tour, you should ask your guide about the experience level of the staff. It’s not necessary that everyone has decades working in a skilled nursing setting. But ideally, there should be some seasoned veterans in the mix who are experienced in dealing with any kind of issue that may arise. Find out what kinds of expertise is onsite from certified nursing assistants, to registered nurses and/or other staff members.
    • Services for current and future needs. It is important to know how well a community can handle your loved one’s current needs. It is equally important to learn about services that the person might need in the future. Ask about what conditions and services they offer and find out what conditions or medical needs they are not able to accommodate. While it’s hard to know exactly what your needs might be, it’s good to have more options in case you need them instead of having to move your loved one to a different community with higher level care if they need it.
    • State surveys and personal opinions. On your tour, you should ask about how the community has scored on state-mandated inspections. You should also ask if you can talk with any residents and families about their experience. If for some reason that is not possible, you may be able to find feedback online.
    • Total costs. Each skilled nursing community has its own way of breaking down its fees. Be sure that you understand the total cost your loved one will incur if they become a resident. The last thing they want is to get a bill with unexpected extra charges.


Finding The Right Community for Your Loved One

GHH contemplative resident

Finding a skilled nursing facility that meets all of an elder’s needs requires doing your “homework.” However, it is very much worth the effort. Our community at Greenhouse Homes is geared toward seniors who want to live in a real-home setting where they feel engaged, supported and appreciated. We’re proud of the positive environment we’ve created and welcome questions from elders and their families.

elder man enjoying a task

Staying socially active provides many mental, emotional and physical benefits for older adults. One great way to foster this is by providing seniors with small daily or weekly tasks that help the community run smoothly. Whether it’s helping with cooking and meals or keeping the plants watered, simple senior tasks are good for older adults. 

As a leading provider of senior living homes, it’s our experience that people who stay active tend to be happier and healthier. And there is plenty of research to back up this observation. Whether that is participating in a book club, gardening with friends or enjoying a day or night out on the town. We’ve also found that adding a few small tasks to the regular activities can deliver an additional boost to their well-being. 

Many older adults are accustomed to taking care of their homes and completing daily tasks. Continuing this activity when they move into a senior living community can provide a sense of normalcy, integrate them into the social engagement of the community and add physical activity and purpose to their days. 

Benefits of Having Elders Take on Regular Tasks

While social interaction of any kind is good for older adults, having a few tasks on their daily or weekly to-do list is especially helpful. Senior tasks might include assisting with food preparation, setting the table for meals or other simple assignments around the community. These activities benefit residents in senior living homes in many ways, including that they provide:

  • A regular physical and mental workout. Committing to a task produces a positive feeling of obligation that may keep an older adult more active than optional social events. Knowing others are counting on you adds a little incentive to get the job done.

  • A sense of purpose. Having a to-do list provides a reason to get involved that is greater than themselves which is good for older adults both mentally and physically. We all like to know that the work we perform is helpful to others.

  • A feeling of accomplishment. Completing even a small task produces an enjoyable sense of pride in the work they have done. The good feeling from accomplishing tasks has the opportunity to lift spirits and bring energy to the day.

  • Inspiration to other residents. Residents who see the satisfaction their peers get from lending a helping hand are often motivated to get involved themselves.

  • A source of stories. The tasks a senior takes on can be a great source for interesting and funny stories to share with other residents, staff and family members.

  • Comfort to family and friends. Knowing that a loved one is an active participant in their community shows that they are engaged and involved which makes everyone feel more at ease knowing they are in a real community setting

An Environment of Ongoing Growth and Meaningful Lives

Young people or seniors, we all want our lives to have meaning. At Green House Homes, helping residents maintain their sense of purpose and contribution to the greater good is one of our primary goals. Learning about our residents with personal interactions helps us understand what activities might be appropriate and enjoyable for each person. With this knowledge, we can involve our residents in the many small tasks involved in keeping our community running smoothly. The result is a positive sense of participation that puts a smile on their face and on the faces of friends and loved ones who know how important this sense of connection is. It is a unique approach to senior care, and one that gets rave reviews from residents, staff and families alike.

For many families, the time comes when our loved one needs additional support and the move to skilled nursing is the right decision. Even so, and even our loved one is looking forward to the move, the transition can be challenging for everyone, including caregivers. 

Knowing how the move is likely to play out and having a plan for dealing with strong emotions that may arise can be beneficial. By acknowledging your emotions, establishing a visit schedule, practicing self-care, and communicating openly, you can navigate this journey with more confidence and grace. Trust in the professionals and remember that your decision is ultimately rooted in providing the best possible care and quality of life for your loved one.

Woman in elder care facilityChoosing a skilled nursing community that is a good fit for you and your loved one can provide solace and support as well. Here at Green House Homes at Mirasol, our model offers a unique care environment that includes person-directed living practices that extends to seniors, family members, caregivers, and provider organizations. The Green House Homes Model was created by Dr. William Thomas, founder of The Eden Alternative®, and is based on three fundamental core values: Meaningful Life, Empowered Staff and Real Home. Our mission is to offer skilled-nursing care that looks and feels like a real home.

Navigating the Transition to Skilled Nursing

Will you be helping a loved one select the right skilled nursing community? Will you then help them prepare for the move and ultimately get them settled in their new community? If so, as their caregiver, you can expect a wide range of feelings as you move through the process. Here are some tips to cope with the transition of your loved one to skilled nursing:

1. Acknowledge your Emotions

No matter how wonderful the new community is, it’s very common for a caregiver to feel some regret and/or remorse about moving them out of their house (or yours) and into a new living arrangement. In the same way that you are reassuring them that this is the right long-term strategy, you should keep reminding yourself of that fact as well. It’s entirely normal to experience a range of emotions from relief to regret, guilt to anxiety. Give yourself permission to feel all the emotions without judgment.

2. Establish a Visitation Routine

Work with the staff to establish a visitation routine that suits both you and your loved one. Knowing when and how often you’ll be able to see them can provide a sense of continuity and comfort for both you and your loved one. Visiting often can also alleviate any concern you may have about their wellbeing. It’s normal for you to have questions in your mind, especially early in the transition. Is your loved one being cared for properly? Are staff members in their care community attending to their needs? Is the property safe and secure? Will you be contacted promptly if any issue arises? Because you have chosen a top-quality community, like Green House House Homes at Mirasol, the answer to all these questions is surely, “Yes!”

3. Trust the Professionals

While you are intentionally accepting the assistance of the skilled nursing setting, it may still feel uncomfortable to no longer have the same level of input into your loved one’s daily activities. Focusing on the fact that they are in good hands will help. Skilled nursing communities like Green House Homes are designed to provide compassionate, person-centered care with the skill and expertise needed to take care of your loved one’s physical and emotional needs.

4. Prioritize Self Care 

As you start to think about what you’ll do with the additional time you’ll have available to pursue your own interests and activities, you may feel a strange mix of excitement and guilt. Keep in mind that your loved one surely appreciates all you’ve done for them to date and will want you to pursue your passions wholeheartedly. Self care is critical throughout this process. Caregiver burnout is a real concern, so make self-care a priority. Take breaks, engage in activities you enjoy, and seek emotional support when needed. A well-supported caregiver is better equipped to provide the best care.

Your Partner in Enabling a Smooth Transition

Our team at Green House Homes at Mirasol understands what you’re going through in moving your loved one into a skilled nursing community. It’s a very significant life milestone for both of you, and we’re eager to assist with the transition every step of the way. Plus, once your loved one is settled, we ensure that both you and our new resident are comfortable with their environment and confident they are getting attentive and compassionate care.

Elderly woman playing with her dog and granddaughter

It’s true that January 1 is just another day on the calendar. But, the start of a new year does bring with it a sense of hope and optimism. That’s why we tend to make New Year’s resolutions. Many of the residents at our skilled nursing facility find that committing to completing certain tasks and making healthy lifestyle changes is a good challenge.

What Changes Will You Make in the Year Ahead?

From better health to greater peace of mind, there are many changes you can resolve to make in the year ahead. Here are some to consider:

    • Eat healthier. There are a whole host of benefits associated with making, and sticking to, a resolution to improve your diet, from more energy to a stronger immune system. Focus on getting the amount of vegetables, fruits, fish, whole grains, healthy fats and low-fat dairy recommended by your doctor.
    • Be comfortably active. You should never take on more activity than your body can handle. But regular, reasonable exercise is good both for your body and your mind. Walking, riding a stationary bike, swimming laps and lifting appropriate amounts of weight are just some of the ways to be active.
    • Regularly address fall risks in your environment. Falls are one of the biggest health risks for elders, and the risk grows each year as aging causes a natural decline in mobility. Commit to looking around your living environment on a regular basis and addressing any hazards that exist. It only takes a few minutes and may spare you a trip to the hospital.
    • Share your feelings. Too often elders keep their feelings bottled up inside, as they don’t want to “burden” anyone. This is especially true of things like depression and anxiety. The team members at our skilled nursing facility are happy to talk with you about your emotions and can help you get treatment if that becomes appropriate.
    • Make new friends. Our social connections are one of the things that support mental and emotional wellbeing. You can never have too many friends. And, the person you reach out to next year might just be in need of a new relationship, too, making it a true win-win.
    • See your doctor more often. If you visit your physician regularly, good for you! If not, consider increasing the frequency of your visits. The earlier you catch medical issues, the easier they are to resolve and the more enjoyable life is.


New Year, New You!

Each new year gives us an opportunity for a “new lease on life.” At Greenhouse Homes at Mirasol, a skilled nursing facility in Northern Colorado, our focus is on helping residents enjoy productive, meaningful lives where they are continually growing and developing. We encourage residents to turn the calendar page to January with renewed enthusiasm and excitement for the year ahead.