
Provider of Skilled Nursing in Loveland, CO Explains When to Get Help with Caregiver Overload

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You love an elder in your life. But, caring for them can get more difficult as they age and have more time-consuming needs. This is especially true if you are also providing care for others in your life. And, you need to address your own physical, mental and emotional requirements. Ultimately it may make sense to turn to a provider of skilled nursing care in Loveland, CO.

Signs You May Need to Consider a Skilled Nursing Facility for Your Loved One

How will you know when you’ve reached your limit as a caregiver? When would make sense for your elder to transition into a real-home skilled nursing environment? There are a number of emotions and behaviors you will begin to see in yourself. For example, you may become argumentative or quick to anger. Or, you might start to experience feelings of sadness and despair and find yourself becoming tearful easily.

As providing care consumes more of your time, you may lose interest in hobbies and activities you used to enjoy as they now create stress since you watch the clock knowing your assistance will be needed soon. Consequently, you may withdraw from social activities and find friendships being stressed.

Caregiver overload can also result in physical symptoms. For example, you may suffer from a lack of appetite and as a result have unintended weight loss. You might also find yourself sleeping too little or too much. And, these factors and your high stress level can make you more susceptible to colds and other illnesses.

As these signs begin to appear, it’s important to find a way to resolve the issues so that your relationship with your loved one stays positive and you remain healthy and happy.

A New Lease on Life

Making the transition into Green House Homes at Mirasol can be a blessing. Our unique form of skilled nursing in Loveland, CO, can give you and the elder you care for a new lease on life. Not only will their needs be met by warm and attentive care professionals in a real-home setting, the social interactions they have with other residents will help them stay interested and engaged in life. And, as a contributing member of their household, they’ll feel both challenged and rewarded as they help ensure that the house operates effectively. Our person-directed, relationship-based care model emphasizes the importance of personal autonomy and continuing growth as the basis of a meaningful life.