
Green House Homes at Mirasol Achieves 5-Star Rating

Green House Homes at Mirasol

The Green House Homes at Mirasol Community Achieves Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services’ (CMS) Star Rating

Green House Homes at MirasolSenior healthcare facility, The Green House Homes at Mirasol Community officially became a Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services’ (CMS) 5-Star rated skilled nursing facility on April 1, 2016. Administrator, John Stewart, is very pleased and states “the Green House Homes at Mirasol Community has been working very hard” to achieve all areas related to the 5-star designation: upstanding survey outcomes, high quality metrics, and superior staffing. Vivage and its prior company, Pinon Management, were brought in to manage the Green House Homes Five years ago when Sam Betters with The Loveland Housing Authority decided to add a much needed addition to his already successful Mirasol community. Betters believed the community of Loveland needed a place that seniors could have a real home setting when their needs did not allow them to stay in their own home. On October 1, 2014 the doors open to our first Green House home, We now have six homes, each of our homes provide room for 10 elders to live. Vivage has worked with the Loveland Housing Authority to ensure the highest quality of Care for the Elders, the core valves and enhanced services, along with an amazing leadership team led by John Stewart provide a support system for our empowered staff. The Green House Homes at Mirasol is located at 490 Mirasol Dr. in Loveland Colorado and specializes in Long Term Care.