

Imagery for Dementia - Senior Living in Loveland, CO

It’s safe to say that most elders and their loved ones are aware of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Consequently, they tend to be on the lookout for their symptoms. That is wise because while the conditions can’t be cured, early diagnosis allows for better care. However, other medical issues produce symptoms that appear to be signs of dementia. This can cause a number of problems, including the delay of treatment for the actual illness. At our community for senior living in Loveland, CO, we are quick to report any cognitive decline we see in residents to them or their loved ones.

Unexpected Causes of Cognitive Problems

Some of the medical conditions (and treatments) that can cause an elder to display dementia-like symptoms include:

    • Certain prescription drugs can cause confusion, memory loss, irritability, low energy and other symptoms, especially if the dosage is incorrect.
    • Depression does more than make people feel sad. It can have a negative impact on memory, focus and sleep. It may also cause a person to avoid social interaction.  
    • If the thyroid is producing too much or too little of the hormones it is responsible for, the condition can have a negative impact on how the body uses food. This can affect an elder’s mental and emotional health.
    • Poorly managed or unmanaged diabetes can allow a person to go into a state called hypoglycemia in which the blood sugar is too low. This state can cause impaired coordination and difficulty in completing even simple tasks.  
    • Repeated interruptions in breathing while sleeping, often caused by airway issues, can deprive the brain of oxygen and cause behavior that looks like dementia.
    • Lyme disease is caused by the bite of a tick that introduces a certain kind of bacteria into the body. The disease can affect short-term memory and cause a person to feel somewhat “disconnected” from the world around them.
    • Low levels of B12 make it hard for the body to produce enough red blood cells and nerve fibers. This can cause confusion and disorientation.

Always Get a Medical Professional’s Opinion

At Green House Homes, our innovative approach to senior living in Loveland, CO creates close-knit communities. There, people—staff and residents—care for one another and pay attention to changes in mental and physical health. One thing we’ve learned in the process is that when people notice unusual symptoms in themselves or others, they should avoid making assumptions. Instead, they should get input from a medical professional. Encouraging residents to address health changes promptly is important. And, it’s just one of the ways we help them live their happiest, healthiest lives.


Happy man in nursing home

Ask anyone who has a regular journaling practice. They will tell you there is something very therapeutic about getting your thoughts down on paper. In fact, as a leader in elder care in Loveland, CO, we have seen the many benefits keeping a journal provides not only to seniors but to their families as well.

All it Takes is Pen and Paper

One of the great things about journaling is that it’s something you can do anytime, anywhere. And whether you write in your journal every day or just when the mood strikes you, you’ll find there are many advantages. Journaling can help you:

  • Sharpen your recall of important events. Many people find that if they simply jot down down a few key details about an event, reading those notes later can bring the entire episode back vividly to mind.
  • Purge negative thoughts and emotions. We’ve all had the experience of wrestling with a negative thought or emotion that we just can’t get out of our head. Often writing about our feelings helps us examine, understand and move past them.
  • Outline your goals and plans. At Green House Homes, we encourage our residents to be continually challenging themselves and growing. Having a written set of goals and a plan for achieving them is very helpful.
  • Express yourself creatively. In addition to the prose they put into their journal, many people will write poems, doodle or draw pictures. That creative expression is enjoyable in the moment and also fun to look back on later.
  • Sleep better. Often recalling things that happened today or looking ahead to what will happen tomorrow can make it hard to drift off to sleep. Writing those thoughts down can be very relaxing and help prepare your mind for sleep.
  • Share your thoughts with future generations. Providing your loved ones, including those yet to be born, with a way to put themselves in your shoes and see life from your perspective is a wonderful gift. And, it’s a gift that will keep giving to each person who becomes the keeper of your journal.


Recording Your Unique Experiences

The Green House Homes real-home model of elder care is centered around the idea of genuine connection and meaningful experiences. Journaling is a great way to save and cherish those experiences even as you look ahead to new ones. Consequently, that simple practice can have a profound impact on your quality of life and your enjoyment of our unique skilled nursing community.

Assisted living provider in loveland, co serves breakfast

You love an elder in your life. But, caring for them can get more difficult as they age and have more time-consuming needs. This is especially true if you are also providing care for others in your life. And, you need to address your own physical, mental and emotional requirements. Ultimately it may make sense to turn to a provider of skilled nursing care in Loveland, CO.

Signs You May Need to Consider a Skilled Nursing Facility for Your Loved One

How will you know when you’ve reached your limit as a caregiver? When would make sense for your elder to transition into a real-home skilled nursing environment? There are a number of emotions and behaviors you will begin to see in yourself. For example, you may become argumentative or quick to anger. Or, you might start to experience feelings of sadness and despair and find yourself becoming tearful easily.

As providing care consumes more of your time, you may lose interest in hobbies and activities you used to enjoy as they now create stress since you watch the clock knowing your assistance will be needed soon. Consequently, you may withdraw from social activities and find friendships being stressed.

Caregiver overload can also result in physical symptoms. For example, you may suffer from a lack of appetite and as a result have unintended weight loss. You might also find yourself sleeping too little or too much. And, these factors and your high stress level can make you more susceptible to colds and other illnesses.

As these signs begin to appear, it’s important to find a way to resolve the issues so that your relationship with your loved one stays positive and you remain healthy and happy.

A New Lease on Life

Making the transition into Green House Homes at Mirasol can be a blessing. Our unique form of skilled nursing in Loveland, CO, can give you and the elder you care for a new lease on life. Not only will their needs be met by warm and attentive care professionals in a real-home setting, the social interactions they have with other residents will help them stay interested and engaged in life. And, as a contributing member of their household, they’ll feel both challenged and rewarded as they help ensure that the house operates effectively. Our person-directed, relationship-based care model emphasizes the importance of personal autonomy and continuing growth as the basis of a meaningful life.

Elder care residents making some craftsOne of the best ways for elders to stay interested in, and engaged with, the world around them is to be creative. Pablo Picasso famously said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” And, it certainly does require some effort to find the time and energy for creativity in some cases. But, as elder care professionals know from their time with residents, that effort is rewarded many times over in the joy and connection that creative seniors feel.

The Tremendous Benefits of Creative Expression

Creativity produces a whole host of benefits, from the cellular level to the societal level. They include:

  • Tuning up the connections between brain cells. Creative expression causes the firing of many different kinds of neurons in the brain, including those associated with memory. “Where did I place that last brush stroke? Where was I thinking I’d place the next one?” This mental exercise can help fend off cognitive decline.
  • Relieving mood and sleep disorders. Challenging the brain with creating a masterpiece or learning a new art form keeps the mind fully engaged. And that engagement temporarily replaces negative feelings with positive ones, which can elevate an elder’s mood, and, by extension, help them sleep better.
  • Creating a sense of accomplishment. Completing a creative endeavor produces feelings of triumph and satisfaction that can have a positive impact on an elder’s outlook today and beyond.
  • Forming friendships with others. One of the best ways to bond with someone else is through shared interests. When a person gets to work at the potter’s wheel near yours, you know you’ve found a kindred spirit.
  • Increasing the ability to endure hardship. Having a creative hobby to take refuge in during difficult times can make all the difference to an elder in terms of their ability to cope.
  • Encouraging others. Seeing the shawl an elder has crocheted, the wood statue they’ve carved, or the painting they’ve completed can get the creative juices flowing for another person, thereby having a positive influence on their life.


A Variety of Artistic Options

While painting and sculpting often come to mind when someone mentions creativity, there are many, many other ways that elders can express themselves. For example, adult coloring books have become quite popular. And, floral arranging is a fun and challenging artistic pursuit. Knitting itemsthat are then given to people in need produces the powerful one-two punch of creativity and generosity. And making music is a great way to express yourself.

An Environment that Encourages Engagement

At Green House Homes at Mirasol, our real-home setting and supportive staff make it easy for elders to pursue their interests. Whether individually or in groups, these creative activities help put a smile on their face and joy in their heart.


Elderly woman being silly

They say that “laughter is the best medicine,” and it seems there is plenty of truth behind that adage. In fact, researchers are discovering that there are both short- and long-term benefits to getting a regular belly laugh. For elders, a unique skilled nursing environment in a real-home setting can be the perfect place to connect with other happy, humorous seniors.

Get a Workout without Lifting a Finger

Elders should get plenty of physical exercise if they are able, but experts say that a hearty laugh produces many of the same effects. For example, laughter raises your heart rate, increases blood flow, stimulates organs and muscles, and even burns a few calories. It can also reduce the release of stress hormones and cause the release of positive endorphins, both of which can elevate your mood. And, you can see how an elevated mode makes it easier to laugh, thereby creating a very healthy and positive upward spiral!

Long-Term Benefits of Laughter

If you make it a regular practice to share some laughs with friends at your skilled nursing community you can look forward to a number of long-term benefits, including:

  • Better pain management. Experts believe laughter can help minimize pain by causing the body to produce more of its natural pain relievers.
  • Enhanced immune system. When you are laughing, negative thoughts are temporarily eliminated as are the chemical reactions they produce. The positive thoughts and feelings you replace them with also increase the release of stress-fighting neuropeptides. And, a lower stress level allows your immune system to function more effectively.
  • Greater contentment. Laughter is a tremendous aid in dealing with life’s challenges and can help you find more peace in your current situation.
  • Improved mood. More than simply providing a short-term boost in happiness, regular laughter can provide a long-term elevation in mood.


Keep the Laughs Coming

So, how can you produce more laughter in your life? There are many ways. The most important is to surround yourself with others who understand the value of laughter — or teach your friends about it. Beyond that, you can be more intentional about exposing yourself to funny things. For example, you can buy a joke book and read a few rib-ticklers each day. Or, you can find an endless supply of humorous videos on the internet.

It also helps to spend time around young children. Their unbridled joy for life and funny antics can always produce some chuckles. Another strategy is to plan events with others in your skilled nursing community that create the conditions for laughter like a weekly game night. And, ultimately our own mistakes provide a tremendous opportunity if we learn to laugh lovingly at ourselves.

Focusing on the Bright Side

At Green House Homes at Mirasol, our caring environment is one that encourages interpersonal connection and a joyful sharing of life’s adventures. Along the way, elders find that there are endless opportunities for enjoying a laugh with good friends.