
June Time in Loveland

What an exciting time of the year for our Elders and families here at the Green House. As the days get longer and the weather is permitting, things start happening.

Sunshine and Watering… You guessed it!

We have started the planting of our gardens. This is a process all in itself, as we choose what vegetables and flowers each home would like to grow. Then the shopping for our plants and the exact timing of when the plants should be planted certainly depends on the view of the Elders in our houses. I loved hearing their different thoughts on how to proceed in the planting process and the joy it brings to so many as we plan for the big day. As you have heard the children from a nearby school have joined us to learn the art of gardening from our Elders. Which brings me to one of our Eden Principles we model here at Green House Homes: An Elder Centered Community creates opportunity to give as well as receive. The Elders find such connectedness with these children by teaching them what they know so well. Shelly our Life Enrichment Coordinator has done a beautiful job of connecting our Elders with our community here in Loveland.

As we say at The Green House Homes…. Greenhouse as one word grow things like plants, trees etc.… Green House as two words Grow People.