
Walking is Great Exercise for Elders. A Skilled Nursing Provider Explains Why.


Staying physically active is important for our health at every age, but high-intensity workouts like running can become too hard on our body as we age. Many elders who want to remain active find walking is a great exercise as their primary form of aerobic activity. As experts in elder care, we tell residents at Green House Homes Senior Living Community, walking provides a long list of benefits, including physical, mental and emotional health.

What Elders Get From Walking

When considering why walking is such a great choice for seniors, two reasons that come immediately to mind are that it is free and that it is easy to get started. All you need is some comfortable shoes, appropriate clothing for the weather and a sidewalk or path. And as soon as you start a regular walking practice, you will begin to see the benefits, which include:

  • Stronger bones. Walking for 30 minutes a day can help stop bone loss in people who have osteoporosis, which can reduce the risk of hip fractures and other broken bones.
  • Improved circulation. Increasing your heart rate strengthens your heart and helps it move blood more efficiently throughout the body. Walking also lowers blood pressure and can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Better mood. Walking causes the body to release endorphins that can elevate your mood and also decrease pain. It may help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve sleep quality and enhance overall mental well being.
  • Stronger muscles. Muscles of the legs, abdomen and even arms can be strengthened by a regular walking regimen.
  • Weight control. Walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes can burn 200 calories and, along with a sensible diet, help you maintain a healthy weight.
  • Improved sleep. People who walk for an hour each day tend to have less insomnia than people who are less active.
  • Decreased risk of mental decline. Regular walkers may have a lower incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Better joint health. Most joint cartilage doesn’t have direct blood supply and instead gets its nutrition from synovial fluid. This fluid is circulated by the motion of walking.
  • Improved respiration. Walking at even a moderate pace increases respiration rate and depth. This moves more energizing oxygen into the blood and helps it better support your organs and tissues.
  • Improved immune system function. People who walk regularly may get sick less frequently and for shorter periods than people who are less likely to have daily exercise.
  • Promotes social engagement. People who walk regularly may get sick less frequently and for shorter periods than people who are less likely to have daily exercise
  • Contributes to longevity and independence. By improving overall fitness levels and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, regular walking can help older adults maintain their independence and quality of life as they age.


Guide to Walking for Exercise: Get Started Right

Walking is a favorite exercise among older adults and an excellent choice for staying active. Here are some tips to help you get back into the routine.

  • Check with your healthcare provider: As with any new activity, it’s a good idea to be sure that you are cleared by your healthcare provider to get started. Ask if there are any limitations or cautions and then just get going!
  • Start Slowly: Begin with short walks and gradually increase the duration and intensity as your fitness improves.
  • Choose Proper Footwear: Wear supportive, comfortable shoes with good cushioning to protect your feet and joints.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink water before, during, and after your walk, especially in hot weather.
  • Warm Up and Cool Down: Stretch gently before and after walking to prevent injury and improve flexibility.


Simple Steps for Better Health

It is rare to find an activity where such a small commitment of time and energy can deliver such big benefits. That’s why at Green House Homes, we encourage residents to get out and about every day. As a leading provider of skilled nursing care in Northern Colorado, we do all we can to help elders stay active, healthy and happy.